Teachers App

Lemoncandy was an Inhouse project from our small design studio, Pebels. It was our attempt to make the communication between school and parents seamless. We prepared the web based ERP for teachers and a mobile app for the parents. After the first version of the app we found that teachers were not updating the attendance and daily activities in the app but are using it only for quarterly progress reports and sending notifications to the parents. After a few rounds of interview we found that staff rooms didn’t have a system and the computer lab had limited number of computers as mostly it will be occupied by the students.


Problem statement

Updating daily activities in the ERP is an additional task in the busy schedule of the teachers as they had to go to the lab, find a free computer and enter the details every day. Teachers wanted a solution that will help them update the students details from their mobile phone directly .


Create a mobile app that can be integrated with LemonCandy School ERP Solution and make the task of updating day to day details of students easier for the teachers

Success metrics

Teachers to update attendance and homework every day in the mobile app

Design strategy


Executive intent

Create a mobile app that can be synced with LemonCandy, School ERP Solution and make the task of day to day entry of student details easier for the teachers

User segment

School / College Teachers
Age Group: 24-60,
Domain Expertise: Average, Experts,
Computer Expertise: Moderate to High,
Mobile Usage: Novice to Experts,
Language: English, Malayalam

Environmental Profile

Mostly Indoor, Good lighting conditions

General tasks

Mark Attendance, Assign Homework, Edit Teacher Profile, Read Blogs, View / Schedule Events in Calendar


Work like printed attendance registry, where present and absent students are marked every day.

Success metrics

Complete attendance taking process in 1 minute



Sujatha Menon

25 years, Teaches English, Chemistry
Lakeshore English school, Kannur

“ If I wait for my turn at the lab, I will definitely miss the bus ”

Sujata is a young energetic high school teacher and mother of a 2 year old daughter. She teaches English and chemistry in six senior classes. Apart from teaching she is also the incharge of Arts and Literature club of the school.

The new Lemoncandy ERP is helping her to send messages to the parent’s mobile app directly. However, updating this in the portal is not always an easy task. During class hours its difficult to get a free system, in the computer lab and it may take 20-30 minutes to get a machine.

To tackle this problem, she is maintaining multiple WhatsApp groups to update the parents about their kid’s performance. Its is quite a headache to manage these groups as there would be many forward messages in the groups and she is not very sure about how many parents actually read the important messages sent to the group. 

Sujata is looking for an easy system where she can update the details quickly without waiting for others time avoiding the dependency on a free machine in the computer lab.

Task flow


Affinity diagram for prioritisation

prepared with the help of teachers




Visual designs


GoFood Pickup


Shipment tracking app